About Beetroot

  • Beetroot is boiled and packaged under sterile conditions.
  • Each pack is 500 grams.
  • Each pack contains only beetroot. There's no other addidives.
  • Grown by hybrid seeds and breed under natural conditions.
  • Since it's peeled and boiled, packed beetroot saves 45 minutes in the kitchen.
  • Beetroot is served sterilized! It's neither canned nor frozen.

Benefits of Beetroot

  • Beetroot known to be a good source of magnesium, sodium, folic acid and vitamin C. Moreover beetroot has benefits for digestive system and the ingredient it has “betain” a guard for cardiovascular system. According to a paper published by American Heart Association, Beetroot juice reduce the blood pressure and invigorate full day with a relaxing effect under the control of your doctor.

How to Consume Beetroot

  • If you like the beetroot but not the pickled ones, our product is just for you.
  • We prefer to use beetroots in salads with vinegar and vegetable oil.
  • Beetroot is consumed in Baltic States and northern countries mostly as a soup ingredient, to invigorate and immunize body.


  • After unpacking, beetroot shall be kept in fridge and be consumed in three days.
  • Before unpacking, beetroot shall be kept in a cool place or at least room temperature.

Nutritional Values